Saturday, July 20, 2013

Philicillin Crocodile Oil For Your Skin

You might be thinking why on earth does this *beauty* blog have to do with CROCODILE oil? Crocodiles aren't beautiful, alright. But just let me share this information that I got when I visited Davao City's Crocodile Farm a few months ago.

A few of us bloggers were introduced to this Philicillin Crocodile Oil that was extracted by slowly cooking crocodile meat. The end products are what you see below:

There is an ointment version and the oil version. The small tube in the middle is a sample size of the Philicillin Crocodile Oil that this blogger took home.

What the label has to say:
It has been said that the beauty secret of Cleopatra, the legendary Egyptian queen was the crocodile oil, to enhance her beauty, written by Cicero in the first century BC.
Crocodiles have the strongest immune system in the world. Laboratory tests done on oil extracted from the crocodiles show that they contain rice sources of Omega 3, 6, and 9, plus other sources of rare, highly concentrated essential fatty acids, which are known to be extremely beneficial for human skin rejuvenation.
Recent test have also shown that the antibiotic properties found in crocodile blood and fat called crocodillin kills strains of virulent bacteria, including the Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA, a drug resistant super bug known to cause serious and sometimes deadly skin infections.

We were shown how crocodile oil has helped patients with eczema and other skin ailments.Now, although  have a sample of this crocodile oil, I haven't really used it yet, but I did open the tube to take a sniff of the oil. The oil has a faint citrus scent which was obviously infused to mask the true scent of the crocodile oil. We were cautioned that the oil does not have a good scent on its own.

My dear readers, I would like to leave some questions to you and I hope that you would honestly answer them. Would you try this crocodile oil for your skin problems? Do you have any perennial skin problem that you want to treat using this crocodile oil?

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Have you tried this? I bought their chocolate crocodile oil soap last week. I'm still on a lookout for any changes on my allergy or mosquito bites. What have you noticed in your skin?


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